If you could increase your cash flow within 6 months, would you be interested?
We work with businesses in the manufacturing and logistics industries
Your challenges
Your needs
Your aspirations
To build a business that is geared for growth
Our approach
We understand that square pegs don't fit in round holes. That is why our solution is developed around you. Your business. Your challenges. Your needs. Your aspirations.
First, we take the time to understand your business. Your systems, your processes, your management, your people.
Then we dissect it to identify the root cause of problems, and the best solutions.
A different perspective; a new way of doing things.
The end result: a resilient business that is geared for growth.
We provide you with deep insights that are best suited for your business success
Our solutions are built around your unique circumstances, combining on-site and virtual meetings to take your business to the next level
“ZM Advisory has helped grow ABEAR Industrial into a stable, expanding and aggressive business.
The service is both practical and initiates reflection on the part business shareholders.
Examples of practical services: we have implemented financial and manufacturing management software; we make full use of tax incentives; we get financial management reports; we examine and improve process flows.
As an example of something less tangible, we constantly examine the type of business we wish to be. This encompasses human resource management and how that affects the people that work for the business and the business itself. We also look at what avenues of business are worth exploring from a multitude of angles, not just the simple bottom line.”
Douglas A’Bear (CEO: Abear Industrial)